This is week 14 of our Photo 52.2 blog circle: Framed. It is a new year, a new month, and a new topic on Who We Become. For the first two months we will be spotlighting Perspective, with four weeks examining the way your choice of lens can alter your viewpoint, and the second four focusing more on the camera and photographer.
This week we are looking at the perspective of inclusion. Wide angle lenses allow our camera to see wider than the eye can, and therefore allow us to include a great deal of environment along with our subject. They are typically the lens of choice for a landscape photographer. Wide angle lenses tend to flatten our subject into the environment, however, so that most everything seems about the same distance away. and just like flattening the globe into a 2 dimensional map, a great deal of distortion can result, particularly towards the edges of the frame. A savvy photographer turns these supposed consequences into advantages. Maneuvering through these choices allows us each to develop a unique perspective.
Click HERE to see all of this week's inclusion submissions together.
Here is my choice for this week. This was taken at 24mm and you can see the distortion a bit along the corners, but it allowed me to capture much more of the gorgeous sky and sunset over the freshly fallen snow than the eye can see, enhancing the beautiful landscape (in my mind.)
Madison, Wisconsin winter sunset.